
Sybelstraße 2
10629 Berlin

Erasmus+ – Visions of European Cities

New & Noteworthy:

Erasmus+ Soiree am 03.04.19: Strategies of Urban Renewal – Reloaded
Erasmus+ Soiree: Lampedusa Lesung
Soiree Strategies for Urban Renewal



Erasmus+ - Visions of European Cities
Europe is one of the most urbanized continents with an enlargement of the population present in the peripheral belt around these cities, the transition zones, thus these urban and rural realities are continuously subject to changes. Cities, and also the peripheral rural-urban fringes are an image of human communities because they are a spatial concentration of human activity and interaction, of development, innovation and creativity. However, they are also places where several problems arise such as social tension, prejudice, racism, unemployment and poverty as well as air and water pollution

causing health problems and ecological disruption, also leading to a reduction in biodiversity, for example through the extinction of bees, emission of greenhouse gases, an accumulation of waste, resource depletion, nutritional problems and sealed soil surfaces. Another challenge European society is facing right now is the increasing influx of refugees to Europe starting with the migrant crisis in 2015. Obviously, it is rather the push than the pull factors dispersing them from their home countries. Several of these factors are war, terror, political persecution, but also deteriorated ecosystems and progressing climate change. Thus, it becomes obvious that various objectives must be faced by European citizens of the urban and rural-urban fringe, such as: demographic, social, cultural economic and environmental challenges.

Common goals

– raise awareness of sustainable and social challenges
– analyze the various urban and rural realities and migratory challenges,
– identify and change mindsets and consuming habits
– welcome migrants and cooperate with one another, find mutual solutions for problems of integration
– find measures of reducing lacks of social sustainability by promoting education, economic development, social inclusion integration and environmental protection


The cooperation between the partners will be supported by constant communication via modern technologies and in particular: by opening an eTwinning project, allowing us to use the platform to constantly communicate and to upload data. Constant communication will help to monitor the progress of the project carried out jointly. In addition, each school will seek to cooperate with relevant stakeholders in the area that can make a fundamental contribution to the development of the project. The collaboration includes at least two international meetings per year which will be attended by teachers and students of all partner schools. Furthermore, bilateral exchanges of students will be organized by the partner schools directly affecting the project.

Realization of the project

1. Presentation of the project to the school and institutions of the local community. Starting eTwinning and a blog about European cities;
2. Design of a logo of the project by the students of each school; logo selection through online voting.
3. List of goals of all participating schools in accordance with subjects and school curricula;
4. Students workshop on issues regarding:

    • – art and architecture: print with materials that were used for sth. else beforehand,
      – sculpturing with waste materials, work with Hundertwasser’s concepts, city plannin
      – interior design: building low budget furniture to encourage students to buy less but build more
      – local projects on integration of migrants and teaching the local language (
      – investigation of social issues by visiting local charity organizations
      – urban gardening in collaboration with existing projects such as Prinzessinengärten in Berlin: (,
      – sustainable food production in collaboration with (,
      100 miles diet; vegetarian/vegan challenge
      – preservation of endangered species such as bees in urban environments in collaboration with (,
      – sustainable mobility
      – slow fashion (www. creating fashion, sharing clothes (flea market)
      – up cycling and establishing a students’ shop where they sell the products created
      • – sharing concepts (each school has a place/date where/when items such as books that one person does
      – creating a sustainable travel guide for each city presenting best practice examples
      – Creating a logo for the project not need any more are shared)

5. Preparation of short films and blogs
6. Results of first phase of work in classes in various partner schools: DVDs, films, theatre plays, posters, reports, websites, etc.
7. Presentation of results in partner schools and local communities

      • a. via eTwinning or other ICT platforms as well as on the homepages of each school;


    • c. European dinner prepared by the participants with home grown local ingredients,
      d. slow fashion show
      b. various bilateral workshops on urban and rural realities prepared by students;

Project partner cities:
Cagliari, Sardinia Italy
Falun, Sweden
Lisbon, Portugal
Matorell, Catalunya Spain